Graduate Work | Personal Work
2015 Master Thesis to Present
Contemporary architecture is full of fictions – fictions that shift the discipline and allow for an emergence of new ideas. Of interest to me are the fictions that are in close relation with montage, which, different from collage, seeks to deliberately cut and place an object in connection with another. This allows for contrast, contradiction, and sometimes for something new to appear.
Because the architectural canon has shifted in the past few decades to rely frequently on internet sources and mixed media, the treatment of architectural precedents in new projects has become much more elaborate in today’s culture. No longer does every student specifically study FLW’s Wasmuth portfolio, they instead pull from thousands of sources online. This allows the architect to pull from many sources and splice pieces of various styles, structures, typologies, etc to form new spatial situations — a montaged space, if you will.
The montage creates joints, breaks, expansions, connections, thresholds, etc. from the various pieces coming into contact. This Cliff house is the first example of my work outside of graduate school in which I delved further into an exploration of the formal technique of montage. The contemporary house/studio focuses on materials and their structural and aesthetic connection.