Graduate Work
2014 Second Year Graduate
The Packaged Mat was an exciting graduate school project that helped me expand many of the drawing and model techniques that I previously had learned. The studio began as a quick, research-based studio that originated by developing common architectural cliches into something that they would not ever become. I looked at packaging as a common cliché and used it to emphasize the idea of a frame.
After researching the idea of packaging as a cliché, I was introduced to the design problem of the mat building typology. This mat building has three office types and a few extra programs as well, but it was meant to be able to expand indefinitely. The twist was that the three office types were intended to be offices for the CIAM, Team X, and IAUS. I began to designed strategies for each office that would coexist with the earlier research of packaging. Each office became a different stage of the package, but the idea of the package was always pushed to the limit. This caused an ambiguous role of what a package was and was not. After various stages of development, the studio was assigned the site of Roosevelt Island in New York City, where the project began to expand and package into the surrounding context.