My projects, both throughout graduate school and in my professional work, have all come with great learning experiences. The styles, techniques, and locations [some fictitious] all vary, but represent how I approach design today. In graduate school, many of my projects carried a similar theme—montage or multiplicity. I noticed this trend towards the end of my academic career and ended up showcasing it in my final Master’s Thesis.

Professionally, I have had numerous opportunities to design while working as a member of two architectural firms. Within both of these firms, I found various roles, projects, and design styles, which have helped broaden my view on architecture. I have worked on small retail units to 10,000 square-foot, high-end, luxury condominiums. I have gone from being a draftsman to a project manager. The projects have ranged, but most of them consisted of mixed-use applications with contemporary concrete and steel structural components.

For individual project detailing, imagery, and descriptions, please select a project from the drop-down menu.